Sexual Health
Explore Sexual Healthrelated questions
Safe Time to Have Sex
2 years
I have had my period tracked using an app called Flo and I don’t plan on pregnancy at all, so I was wondering whether having unprotected sex (with hormonal pills taken regularly) is safe at appr…
- Anonymous
Actopic pregnancy and laproscopic operation
3 years
Hi im a woman 39yrs old just having the 2nd actopic pregnancy last 5 days ago for right fallopion tube. Left actopic have been remove on last 2017 due to actopic pregnancy. Due to my condition …
- Anonymous
Pulsatin/throbbing on the side of the scrotum
3 years
Hi Dr . Im a male age 24 years old. Recently i have this ache and mild burning feeling on the side of left testicles. When i try to examine myself, the blood vessel above the left testicle feels…
- Anonymous
Bartholin Cyst or not
3 years
I have been having pain for almost two weeks near my vaginal opening. There was a lump about 1cm. sometimes it becomes small then it becomes big again. Then I only did sitz bath 2times. My secon…
- Anonymous
Having 2 method of family planning in a time
3 years
Before consulting to my specialist doctor (neurologist) regarding on the family planning method (it is related to implant-referred by o&g doctor) in january 2022, should i go on first with depo …
- Anonymous
I’m not sure if I’m having vaginismus?
3 years
My partner and I have been trying for normal sex life. As a first time, it seems that my vagina is blocked even I try to touch it softly. Although I used the lubricant, it doesn’t help for the p…
- Anonymous
Questions on IUCD: side effects & pain
3 years
Hi I am a married woman who is currently taking OCP, Yasmin. I’ve already on my 2nd month of taking this OCP. However I am thinking of using IUCD as contraception as I am starting to feel side e…
- Anonymous
Dry and peeling skin penis
3 years
Hi. I am a male 24 years old and I have a condition on my male private part. I have a dry and peeling skin on my penis. Before this, I have a small wound on it because of friction due to long wa…
- Anonymous
Dry and peeling skin on male penis
3 years
Hi. I am a male 24 years old and I have a condition on my male private part. I have a dry and peeling skin on my penis. Before this, I have a small wound on it because of friction due to long walking …
- john.tyree56
Im not satisfied with my penis size
3 years
I am a 16 years old teen. And im a bit concern about my penis size which is 5inch and most of my friend have much bigger size than mine even though they are the same age as me. So how do i incre…
- Anonymous
Unprotected sex and taking postinor
3 years
Hi im a sexually active 18 years old teen and just had an unprotected sex an hour ago.can i take postinor as a way to prevent pregnancy?does it will leave a long term effect on me such as having…
- Anonymous
Sex during Pregnancy
3 years
Hai doctor, can I ask question about sex, first , can I have sex when my wife pregnant nine week? Is it save?
- Anonymous
Need a advice to do surgery for Uterine Fibroid
3 years
I’m 41 this year. I hv do ultrasound at clinic and noticed a 7cm fibroid. I wish to pregnant. May i get advice from doctor? If i go hospital make appointment for fibroid sugery need to go checku…
- Anonymous
Testicle itchy with big red rashes
3 years
Im a male, 21 y/o and i have this weird itchy red rashes on the side of the testicle and i had these rashes for awhile now, it stopped for sometimes and it was a small rashes that time (the rash…
- Anonymous
擦身体龟头磨破皮 Rub the body of the glans to grind the skin
3 years
前天擦生殖器官时太用力把龟头给磨脱皮后天有去买了药来涂,买消炎药吃和碘伏来杀毒 不过现在有白白的好像化脓 就是脱皮的地方白白周围有红红的然后点有痒 The day before yesterday, when rubbing the genital organs too hard, the glans was rubbed and peeled. The day after tomor…
- Anonymous
Found a small hole in the anus
3 years
Found a small hole in the anus, one month already, no pain, Not itchy.
- Anonymous
Dear doctor I’m really wanted to ask regarding the sex matter whether can having or not because need to clarify
3 years
Dear doctor I have confusion can man fuck with man before having sex with girl
- poobalanselva2
Swelling of valva part and pimples type rashes
3 years
Hello, I am 27 and i am having some pimples and rashes with pain on sides of pubic area and on outside of vaginal area. There is some swelling on valva also. Its painful. I am using cortisone v…
- Anonymous
What medication to make men last long in sex
3 years
Dear Doctor, my husband is in his 30’s busy with work most of the time. May I know what medication can give to him so that he last longer in sex. His group of male married friends also have the …
- Anonymous
White and clumpy vaginal discharge
3 years
26 y/o. I kept having white clumpy discharge. No itchiness / foul smell though. How should I cure this? They’re particularly annoying especially when having sex. It will leave the bed with sm…
- Anonymous
Satyriasis / high sexual desire
3 years
Hi, I am a man age 23 years old and have a very high sexual desire. I’m not married yet and always masturbate around 3-5 times a day each time I have this fantasy or feeling to fulfill my sexual…
- Anonymous
Addicted of masturbating
3 years
Im 20 years old man and I’ve been addicted to masturbate at worse like 1 time a day. I just want to know that if i stop masturbating, will i produce more sperms in the future ? Im just curious. …
- Anonymous
Smegma on Penis whenever retracting the foreskin
3 years
Hi doctor, whenever i retract my penis foreskin, theres some smegma there, i tried washing it with some warm water according to google without touching it, but it still remain there, what should…
- Anonymous
Fingering with spermy finger
3 years
Does this case happen before? Does any proof of evidence of people finger with sperm pregnant somebody?
- Anonymous
About Pre-cum. So we just doing oral and at one point my wet genitals contacted hers like the entrance but never went in
3 years
So me and my partner have always play it safe for about 3 years now but today (about 12 hours ago) it’s a bit different. So we just doing oral and at one point my wet genitals contacted hers lik…
- Anonymous
Male Genital Wart Problem
3 years
I’m 44 years old male with genital wart problem. I’m based near Shah Alam area. So please advise which highly recommended doctor/clinic/hospital either in Petaling Jaya/Subang/Shah Alam that I s…
- Anonymous
Durex alovera play massage 2 in 1
3 years
Do durex alovera gel is safe to use for pregnant woman? Can apply at their intimate area?
- Anonymous
Brown spotting after intercourse
3 years
I’m a woman of 28 years of age and just got married. After having our first intercourse (early morning Wed), my husband noticed that there were blood (very lightly) on the condom he’s wearing & …
- Anonymous
Pea size lump on inner labia majora
3 years
I am 26 years old. I found a pea size lump on the inner labia majora, near to clitoris, 4-5 days ago. It is skin coloured, not able to see but able to feel it, and it is painful when touch. Woul…
- Anonymous
Vaginal pain issue and having odor smell
3 years
i’m 28yrs old girl. I encountered white thick discharge , itchiness near my vaginal area due to this my vagina is smelly . When urinating , there will be burning feel. i also noticed there is s…
- Anonymous